Extreme year round weather in Bloomfield Hills, MI and surrounding areas impacts your bottom line, with temperature control making up the majority of the budget. Reliability, energy efficiency, and system longevity translate into significant cost-savings. When you call on Sun Heating & Cooling for commercial HVAC installation, we partner industry leading products with customized design and attention to detail, ensuring maximum return from your investment. There’s no generic solutions, no cut corners, and nothing left to chance. Recognizing long-term impact, Sun Heating & Cooling takes every opportunity to protect your best interests.
Commercial Installation From A Professional
Sun Heating & Cooling specializes in industry leading manufacturers and offers a comprehensive selection of styles and features to exceed expectations. By taking advantage of advanced technology, we provide more convenient and greater access to every aspect of your indoor climate. You’ll save time and money while optimizing the comfort, health, safety, and productivity of your facility. Contact us at (248) 986-1506 for a job completed to a strict schedule, budget, and unmatched standards of quality throughout Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Auburn Hills, Troy, and Waterford, MI.