Is This Fall Time to Get a New Furnace? - Sun Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Is This Fall Time to Get a New Furnace?

do i need a new furnace

As September rolls in and the temperatures start to drop, it’s time to think about your home’s heating system. If you haven’t turned on your furnace yet this season, now’s the perfect time to give it a test run.

Pay attention to how it performs – you might notice signs that it’s time for a replacement before the cold weather truly sets in.

Here are ten key indicators that your furnace might be ready for retirement:

1. Age of your furnace

Furnaces typically last between 15 to 20 years. If yours is approaching or exceeding this age range, it’s likely operating at decreased efficiency. Even if it’s not showing obvious problems, an aging furnace is more prone to unexpected breakdowns.

2. Inadequate heating

When you turn on your heat, observe how quickly your home warms up. If it’s taking longer than usual to reach the set temperature, or if you’re needing to set the thermostat higher than in previous years, your furnace may be losing its ability to heat effectively.

3. Increasing energy bills

Compare your current energy bills to those from the same period last year. If you notice a significant increase without a corresponding change in usage, your furnace might be losing efficiency. Newer models are designed to be more energy-efficient, which can lead to lower utility costs.

4. Unusual noises

A properly functioning furnace should operate quietly. If you hear loud banging, popping, rattling, or squealing noises when your furnace is running, it could indicate worn or loose parts that need attention.

5. Uneven heating

Walk through your home and note the temperature in different rooms. If some areas are significantly warmer or cooler than others, your furnace might be struggling to distribute heat evenly throughout your home.

6. Frequent cycling

Pay attention to how often your furnace turns on and off. A properly sized and functioning furnace should run in fairly regular cycles. If it’s turning on and off more frequently than usual, or if it runs constantly, this could indicate a problem with its efficiency or sizing.

7. Frequent repairs

Keep track of how often you’ve needed furnace repairs in recent years. If you’re calling for repairs more than once or twice a season, or if repair costs are adding up to half the cost of a new furnace, it might be more economical to invest in a replacement.

8. Poor air quality

Monitor the air quality in your home. An increase in dust, dander, or humidity could indicate that your furnace isn’t filtering or circulating air properly. This is particularly important if anyone in your household has allergies or respiratory issues.

9. Excessive dryness

While some dryness is normal in cooler months, excessive dryness can be a sign of furnace issues. If you’re experiencing unusually dry skin, static electricity, or your wooden furniture is showing signs of drying out, your furnace might not be maintaining proper humidity levels.

10. Visual, auditory, and olfactory signs

Use your senses to detect potential issues:

  • Visually inspect your furnace for signs of rust, cracks, or corrosion
  • Listen for any unusual sounds during operation
  • Be alert for any persistent musty or burning odors, which could indicate a problem

Remember, it’s always better to be proactive when it comes to your home’s heating system. If you’re noticing any of these signs, it might be time to consider a new furnace.

Ready to ensure your home stays comfortable all fall and winter? Our expert technicians can assess your current system and help you find the right furnace to keep your home warm and your energy bills in check. Contact us today or give us a call: (248) 986-1506

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