What Causes a Frozen AC Unit, and How Do You Prevent It? - Sun Heating & Cooling, Inc.

What Causes a Frozen AC Unit, and How Do You Prevent It?

how to fix my frozen ac

An AC unit freezing might sound like an oxymoron, but it’s a common problem that can leave you sweating buckets. How can you prevent it?

Signs your AC is giving you the cold shoulder

If you notice warm air coming from your supply registers, that’s a red flag. Pop open the panel, and if you see ice, you’ve got yourself a frozen AC. But remember, even if you don’t see ice, your AC could still be in the early stages of freezing.

The science behind the freeze

Now, let’s talk about why your AC might be turning into an ice cube. It all comes down to something called the Joule-Thomson effect. In simple terms, when the refrigerant in your AC expands, it cools down. That’s how your AC normally works to cool your home. But if something goes wrong, that refrigerant can cool down too much, dropping below freezing and icing over the evaporator coil.

Three main culprits of a frozen AC

  1. Blocked airflow: Your AC needs a constant flow of air to prevent humidity from settling on the coils and freezing. If your air filters are dirty or clogged, it can restrict airflow and lead to freezing.

Fix: Turn off your AC, let it defrost for 1-3 hours, then run just the fan for about an hour. Use this time to change your air filter. This simple step can improve your AC’s efficiency by 5% to 15%!

  1. Mechanical problems or refrigerant leaks: Your AC has a lot of moving parts that can get stuck, broken, or clogged. Refrigerant lines can kink, fans can stop moving, and things can leak. Any of these issues can cause the refrigerant to expand too much and get too cold.

Fix: These problems are best left to the pros at Sun! If you suspect a mechanical issue or leak, it’s time to contact us.

  1. Cool summer nights: Believe it or not, those refreshing cool summer nights can actually cause problems for your AC. If the temperature drops below 60 degrees, it can throw your AC out of whack.

Fix: Consider getting a programmable thermostat that can automatically shut off your AC when temperatures drop too low. If you don’t have one, keep an eye on the forecast and turn off your AC on nights when it’s going to be cool.

Preventing the big freeze

The best way to avoid a frozen AC is to stay on top of maintenance. Change your air filters regularly, get annual tune-ups from a professional, and pay attention to how your AC is performing. If you notice any changes in how it’s working, don’t ignore them!

You can always trust the amazing pros at Sun if you are having any AC problems and need expert AC repair. Contact us today or give us a call: (248) 986-1506

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